Project workflows

Each project can have multiple workflows. Each workflow executes on its own schedule. You cannot create dependencies between workflows. If you have any dependencies, they must belong to the same workflow file.

Workflow updates

Workflow updates differ, based on the update itself.

  • If the update does not contain any changes to the actual spec, for example, updating the name of the workflow, the workflow will continue working without any interrupts.
  • If the spec is changed, regardless of the change, currently, that will trigger the completely new schedule. It does not matter if the change is semantically the same. For example, adding extra space to the spec will also trigger the new schedule, although semantically, the new schedule will be the same as the old one.

Right now, there is no mechanism to re-use scans that have the same description as previous ones. However, the history of scans will be kept, allowing you to see previous scans.

Disabling a workflow

You have the ability to temporarily disable a workflow if you want to pause those scans. All scans will be kept, so you can choose the strategy of disabling the current scan, writing a new one and keeping the results of the old scans.

If the scan is disabled, it will remove all scheduled jobs. Jobs that are already assigned and executed by the runner will be executed to completion.

Clearing jobs

Sometimes, it may be useful to clear all runs in case you want control billing. In that situations, you can open the workflow, in the dropdown menu, there is an option to clean all jobs.

Deleting a workflow

If you choose to delete a workflow, all runs will be removed as well. Please, use this option with caution. Download all runs that you may need in the future.

This action is irreversible. Once removed, you cannot recover your workflow

Workflow templates

To leverage re-use, you can save your workflow as a template. This is a handy option when you want to define similar workflows on different projects. You can use context variables to create re-usable workflows, and modify only project vars.

Currently, platform does not offer the collaboration and discovery features. In the future, if the platform grows, you will be able to make your workflow templates public for the rest of the community to share.