
The idea behind notifications is, so you can be notified on certain events that may be of interest to you. They may originate from

  • Jobs:
    • Workflow failures
    • New content on the same scan
  • Support:
    • Any interaction on the support ticket.

The idea behind it is for you to be notified each time a scan returns something different, so you can be one of the first ones to test a new subdomain, port, or functionality on the site.

Similarly, if workflow starts failing, it can indicate either a bug in the tooling, or a change on the site which causes scan to fail. If a subdomain is suddenly deleted, maybe there is another one, and you should start the subdomain discovery. Or maybe the rest of your workflow cannot proceed because of the bug in a workflow.

The idea is for you to be busy hunting, and only spend as little time as possible gathering information.


These are e-mail addresses that you can use to be notified on, and can be different from your primary e-mail address. Primary e-mail address is only used for profile related actions, such as password reset etc.

On the other hand, notification e-mails are only used, so you can be notified about events. You can duplicate your primary e-mail address.

You cannot use it to sign in or any other profile related action.


Slack notifications are based on the BountyHub App. App is installed to your workspace.

Slack app is registered with the following permissions:

  • chat:write
  • chat:write.public
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