
The idea behind notifications is, so you can be notified on certain events that may be of interest to you.

Events that will issue notifications are:

  • Jobs:
    • Failures
    • Diffs on the scan if uploads is specified
  • Bhlast:
    • Any interaction on the bhlast servers

All notification channels are configured on the account level. Then, you can assign these channels to the desired feature and in some instances, customize it.

So for instance, Slack is registered using Oauth2 installation. The server will store the access token that will be used to send notifications. However, if you do not assign that notification to anything, you won't be notified. In this case, let's say you want to assign Slack notification to the bhlast server. Under settings, you will find notifications section. Click on Add for slack. You will be prompted with slack installations from your profile, as well as the channel ID you want to be notified on. This way, you can separate notifications based on channels and manage how you want to organize notifications in your slack workspace.

Supported channels are:


These are e-mail addresses that you can use to be notified on, and can be different from your primary e-mail address. Primary e-mail address is only used for profile related actions, such as password reset etc.

On the other hand, notification e-mails are only used, so you can be notified about events. You can duplicate your primary e-mail address.

You cannot use it to sign in or any other profile related action.


Slack notifications are based on the BountyHub App. To register the app, you should follow these steps:

  1. Visit your profile. Under Notifications section, you can see Add BountyBot to Slack.
  2. Click on the Add BountyBot to Slack button. The dialog box should open up, asking you to enter the name. The name is human-readable name you want to assign to the slack installation.
  3. Once you picked the name, you should be redirected to slack.
  4. Pick the workspace you want to install the Slack app on.
  5. Once you confirm, you will be redirected back to BountyHub.
  6. After it, you should see the slack installation on your profile.

The important thing to point out is that application is being configured with following permissions:

  • chat:write
  • chat:write.public


Discord notifications are delivered using integrations and webhook URLs. This is the easiest way for users to configure their Discord integration with only few clicks.

To register it, you should:

  1. Visit your discord server.
  2. Click on the gear icon, or right-click on the channel, then Edit Channel.
  3. Go to Integrations > Webhooks > New Webhook
  4. Once created, click on Copy Webhook URL.
  5. Go to BountyHub's Profile page under
  6. Click on Add BountyBot to Discord.
  7. Enter the name and the webhook URL, and that is it.

Note that discord webhook URL is unique per profile. The reason is that you can assign the same Discord reference to many things, but there is no good reason why you want to install the same integration multiple times.

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